Please find attach example… i have create function in it. there is 1 filemanager and richtext editor, both have different document directory path.
now when page load both control works fine, now suppost i open document from richtext editor it's open fine,
then open document from file manager, its open fine,
then again go and open document from richtext editor it's not open. why…?
how to solve it.?
please see attache video i have create and explain my issue…
Hello Vinit,
I see the problem. I will forward this issue to our R&D team. Our developers will continue working on this problem, and we will keep you informed of any progress.
Yes sure you can make it public, no issue, but if possible then provide solution, bcoz this issue stop us to achive our requirememt. We had pause our project if this done then we can buy yr product and complete our system.
Hi is there any update regarding my question …?
Vinit Patel
Hi Vinit,
Our developers are working on this issue. We will update this report once any news regarding this subject is available.