If RibbonGalleryBarItem is disabled by default (IsEnabled="False"), enabling it later doesn't enable items, shown when the dropdown is collapsed.
In the attached project (based on https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Example/Details/E2201 ), RibbonGalleryBarItem.IsEnabled is bound to a bool property. If the property has the default value of true then changing the font size correctly enables and disables gallery items (enabled if font size < 12). But if the default value is false, the dropdown enables and disables correctly, but items stay disabled.
EnabledState.png - correctly enabled item (e.g. IsEnabled=True and Font Size < 12)
DisabledState.png - correctly disabled item
EnabledFromDefaultDisabled.png - showing the bug (e.g. IsEnabled=False but Font Size changed to < 12) - dropdown button is enabled, but items are disabled.
Obvious workaround: make sure that the default state is Enabled and change its value shortly after (maybe in Loaded event handler or similar).
Hello Kirill,
Thank you for providing the test project. I will forward this ticket to our R&D team, and we will contact you as soon as we have any results.