in Spellchecker is marking words like "Why?" as incorrect and display Spelling Form. But actually "Why?" is correct word. Do we need to do any configuration so that word with special character can be ignore?
Please find attached the dict. which i am using.
Hello Abhay,
Would you please clarify what editor you check with a SpellChecker? I tested your dictionary with RichEditControl and everything works correctly.
I noticed that the dictionary culture is en-GB and, perhaps, you use a different language on your machine (not English - United Kingdom). Note that RichEditControl is sensitive to the current document culture by default. You can check it by setting the RichEditControl.Options.SpellChecker.AutoDetectDocumentCulture property to false. If the "Why?" string is checked correctly after that, so you used another culture when typing.
If the issue is not resolved in this case, please provide me with your project to reproduce the behavior on my side. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I am using RichEditControl control. I created two projects one with 14.2 and other with 13.1 version. And the behavior is different. In 13.1 if there is text like "Why?" it will consider as correct word where as in 14.2 it is showing suggestions.
Related to your "RichEditControl.Options.SpellChecker.AutoDetectDocumentCultu" property i tried this but in 14.2 but issue is not resolved.
Please find attached two samples one with 13.1 and other with 14.2. And let us know.
One more point i want to know , in above sample you will see that if there is cahr "a" then it is showing suggestions against that which it should not show.
Hello Abhay,
As for "a" underlining, I've noticed this behavior and passed this issue to our R&D for further research. I will notify you as soon as we have any results.
But, I was not able to reproduce the issue with the "Why?" word. In my case, this word is correct. I have attached the video illustrating the behavior on my side (please note that I changed the checking mode to AsYouType for convenience). I tested your project using versions 14.2.10 and 15.1.7 and the results are same. Perhaps I missed something. Please clarify what minor version you use. Also, it would be great if you provide me with a video illustrating how it works on your side (you can use the Jingtool to create a video). I'm looking forward to your response.
I tested with 14.2.10 and and behavior of spellcheck is different as i explained. Please find attach both samples with dictionary and also find the video.
It appears that we need additional time to research this issue.
We are working on this issue, but we don't have an immediate solution right now.
Please bear with us, we will get back to your as soon as possible.