I use the control aspxtitleIndex. I bind it with a datasource.
The problem is that the items are not clickable. So the item click event doesn't fire too.
I want to use the server side item click event.
Best regards,
<asp:LinqDataSourceID="LinqDataSource1"runat="server"ContextTypeName="DataClassesDataContext"EntityTypeName=""TableName="VW_GrandParent_Parent_Child_ChildChilds"Where="GrandParentTypeInhoud == @GrandParentTypeInhoud && ParentTypeInhoud == @ParentTypeInhoud && GrandParentID == @GrandParentID && ChildTypeInhoud == @ChildTypeInhoud">
Thank you for the provided markup. I have managed to reproduce the issue and forwarded this ticket to our developers for further research. We will contact you as soon as we have any results.