Dear DevExpress support,
I have the following:
When a BarManager is placed on a UserControl, and that control is a Child on a Tabbed Document, The ActiveDocument moves to another Tabbed Document:
Unzip de attached file and open it.
Check DockPanel1 is the first and selected DockPanel
Run de app:
(1)Now Dockpanel2 is selected.
Select DockPanel1
PickUp a Bar and try to move it to the left side.
(2) DockPanel2 becomes active!
It mixes up also when applying a Layout, with the DocumentManager.RestoreLayout as with the WorkspaceManager.
I hope you'll have a solution for this.
With greetings, Ton.
We successfully reproduced the described behavior. So, I will forward this ticket to our developers team for further research. We will update this ticket when we obtain any results.