When adding a Measurement with a punctuation mark in the field name, the PivotGrid's data area goes empty/blank. Does not happen in older versions (tried it in 12.x) and does not happen if the connection type is ADOMD.
OLAP - Data is not loaded if a measure name contains a punctuation mark and the OleDB data provider is used
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.
Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.
- v15.2.4Download Official Update
- v15.1.8Download Official Update
Would you please clarify which SSAS version you use? I have tried to replicate the problem on my side with version 2012, but get the following exception during measure name customization:
The 'Name' property cannot contain any of the following characters: . , ; ' ` : / \ * | ? " & % $ ! + = ( ) [ ] { } < >
It is a calclulated member, created like this:
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Tekjur pr. tíma] AS iif([Measures].[Usage Qty], [Measures].[Invoiced Price LCY]/[Measures].[Usage Qty], NULL), FORMAT_STRING = "#,#.00", VISIBLE = 1;
Thank you for the clarification. I have managed to reproduce the described problem on my side. It will require some time to research it in greater detail. I have passed this issue to our developers for further research. We will update the thread once we have any results.
Any news about this one?
We have not found a solution to this problem yet. Would you please clarify if it is possible to use the ADOMD provider instead of the OleDB one? We always recommend using this provider because it is optimized for SSAS and thus demonstrates better performance,
Well, I tried to switch (in quite an older version, 12. something) but then various features did not work properly. Maybe I can take another shot at it, but then I would need quite a quick response if something else fails :)
In my opinion, it is now a good time to test this data provider. We have significantly changed our OLAP engine in version 15.1 to improve the overall performance. These updates caused some problems with certain cubes, but in the current version (15.1.7), most of them are already resolved. If you notice any issues, please notify us about them and we will do our best to resolve them in the shortest time frame possible.
Ok - I will try and let you guys know if anything pops up. Thanks!