I have defined Button Item in my form layout with Horizontal aligment set as center. When the show caption is set to true for that item, it is not centered in explorer (for chrome and firefox it works excellent). You can see attached project.
C#var item = groupItem.Items.Add();
item.Name = "BtnWithCaption";
item.NestedExtensionType = FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType.Button;
item.ShowCaption = DefaultBoolean.True;
item.Caption = "IsNotCentered";
item.CaptionSettings.Location = LayoutItemCaptionLocation.Top;
item.HorizontalAlign = FormLayoutHorizontalAlign.Center;
Sorry for product's old version, but currently I am not able to change the version. So if it is possible can you please tell me if this issue still exists
I was able to reproduce the issue on my side and forwarded this issue to our developers for further research.
We will update this ticket as soon as we have results.
In the meantime, I suggest you apply the workaround suggested in the following StackOverflow article - Horizontally center a div in a div. Just set the LayoutItem's Width property to, for example, 87.