Easy to repro. The key to the bug is the EnableWin32Compatibility property. Remove it and the bug goes away, at least in this sample. In our application, this does not happen, I'm assuming because we have WindowsFormsHost controls. The attached sample does not.
- Run, drag the Properties panel off the main window so it is floating.
- Select the other suite tab. The floating window disappears. (It might be nice if this was a controllable feature, but that is another conversation.)
- Now select the first tab.
- Umm, Houston we have a problem. The floating window is a mere 12x12 block of pixels. (or about that size, I didn't actually check)
Seems I have found code that commented out works now. You still need to fix this :)
In FloatingWindowPresenter.UpdateIsOpenCore(), comment out this:
// Window.Height = Window.Width = 0;
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your report and research. I will pass this question to our R&D team. We will notify you once we have any news.