An exception is currently being thrown under the following scenario:
- Retrieve data (Data #1.png) and load it into the dashboard via the DataLoading event.
- Filter the data (Data #2.png) and call ReloadData on the dashboard designer/viewer and load the new set of data into the dashboard via the DataLoading event.
The only way I have been able to reproduce this exception is by having a RangeFilter that filters another dashboard item (Dashboard XML.xml). If I remove the grid or have the grid ignore master filters, then the exception will not occur.
DevExpress.DashboardCommon.DashboardInternalException was unhandled by user code
Message=Internal error. Please contact the application vendor or your system administrator and provide the following information.
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: s
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at DevExpress.DashboardCommon.Native.BinarySerializer.Deserialize[T](String str)
at DevExpress.DashboardCommon.Service.DashboardServiceOperation`1.GetSessionState()
at DevExpress.DashboardCommon.Service.DashboardServiceOperation`1.Execute(DashboardServiceResult result)
at DevExpress.DashboardWin.DashboardViewer.OnServiceClientOperationFailed(Object sender, ServiceOperationFailedEventArgs e)
at DevExpress.DashboardWin.Native.DashboardServiceClient.RaiseOperationFailed(ServiceOperationFailedEventArgs args)
at DevExpress.DashboardWin.Native.DashboardServiceClient.ExecuteDeferredOperations()
at DevExpress.DashboardWin.Native.DashboardServiceClient.EnqueueDeferredOperation(IClientOperation operation)
at DevExpress.DashboardWin.DashboardViewer.ReloadData(Boolean suppressWaitForm)
I have managed to reproduce the described problem on my side. It will require some time to research it in greater detail. I have passed this issue to our developers for further research. We will update the thread once we have any results.
Thanks Constant!
Is there not a hotfix for this?
At present, this problem is not fixed yet, thus a hotfix is not available. Please let us know if this issue is critical for you. In this case, we will try to process it with higher priority.
Constant, I view it as a critical issue for me because we allow users to filter out the data externally from the Dashboard Viewer/Designer. This results in the user not being able to use the Range Filter dashboard item.
I have notified our developers that this issue is critical for you. We are working on it and will inform you of our results in the near future.
Thanks Constant!
I was just checking to see if there has been an update.
I am afraid, we have not found a solution yet. We realize that this problem is critical for you and we are doing our best to resolve the issue in the shortest time frame possible. However, I cannot specify a certain time frame at the moment. We will update this thread once we have any results.
Thank you for the update Constant!