Hi Guys,
the accelerators in the LayoutManager don't paint the _ on Tab-Headers. Did a check on there is everything working as expected.
On ViewItems and groups, everything seems fine.
Steps to reproduce:
Open MainDemo
Open a contact DetailView
Open DetailView Customization
Select the Birthday field, Edit Caption to "&Birthday"
Select the Person group, Edit Caption to "&Person"
Select the Contacts Tab, Edit Caption to "&Contacts"
Close Customization Form.
Birthday "B" got underline
Person "P" got underline
Contacts caption is now &Contacts
Please see the videos for further investigation.
Ps.: Checked it with &
Hello Manuel,
I have forwarded your ticket to our XtraLayoutControl team for review. We will keep you posted of our research results.
Thanks Dennis :)
Hi Manuel,
I have reproduced the issue and passed this ticket to our developers for further investigation. We will inform you of our progress once we have any. Please stay tuned.