Bug Report T297778
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Chart designer crashes when a Series name is changed

WindowsUIView - An exception occurs when handling the ControlReleasing event for a maximized document while disposing of its ContainerControl or View

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

I'm attaching an Video so show the problem and also sending the project so you can test on your side.
The problem is that when the user click on the back button of the WindowsUIView the program crashs but only when the area that the app is into its also a DocumentManager, on the case the maing of my app its a DocumentManager with WindowsUIVIew and by clickn on the Tile show on the Video its a DocumentManager its a WidgetView

On the project this area its the ucDashboard the component its a DocumentManger descendant and a WidgetView Descendant.

Show previous comments (4)
Jean Silva Paulo 9 years ago

    Hello Alexey,
    I downloaded and installed the hotfix, it solved the problem on design time that I had attached on the latest video. But the main problem of the app crashing when I click on the back button with an "tile" maximized that I showed on the first video continues.

    DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


      Thank you for informing us that the second issue has been solved.
      As for the first issue - I have reproduced it and now I am investigating it and will notify you as soon as I have any results. Please stay tuned.

      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


        As I mentioned, I have successfully reproduced the behavior you described and passed this ticket to our developers for further research.
        Please bear with us. We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

          Show previous comments (1)
          J J
          Jean Silva Paulo 9 years ago

            Hello Elliot, I saw that I can exclude those comments by myself. So you can mark this ticket as public.
            Thank you so much for the help.

            J J
            Jean Silva Paulo 9 years ago

              I Just make the tests and the hotfix worked very well. Thanks

              DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


                Thank you for informing us that the issue has been solved. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.
                I have marked this thread as public.

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