1. I add 2 panels in the server-side applications
2. After the callback, I remove one panel and add a new, in the server-side applications
3. When I change the current panel (click on each panel) is not changed at the active panel . See the attached video.
After conducted research, I found out that the cause in the js function - "ActivateWindowElement" and the variable - "ASPx.GetPopupControlCollection().visiblePopupWindowIds"
The variable,ASPx.GetPopupControlCollection().visiblePopupWindowIds, is not synchronized with reality after callback.The result is that wrongly calculated z-index for panel.
Also, it is possible to write an algorithm js function, ActivateWindowElement, incorrectly.
I'll be grateful for any comments and possible local solutions!
Hello Andrey,
I have forwarded your ticket to our ASP.NET team for a follow up. To help us research this behavior further, please also attach a debuggable sample so we can replicate and debug this locally. Thanks.
Thanks for your update. We will try to research it without a sample and will contact you if we require additional info from you.
In general, it is always best to provide us with a debuggable project sources we can compile locally using the DevExpress source code (it will not be possible with ready XAFARI dlls, I am afraid).
We need more time to process this issue. Please bear with us. We will update this ticket as soon as we get results.
Hi Andrey,
I've reproduced this scenario and passed it to our R&D team for further research. We will get back to you once we have results to report.
In the meantime, if possible, please check the attached sample and let me know if your scenario is similar. If there are any specific steps that we need to take into account, feel free to share them with us.
Hi Artem,
That's what I need.
Yes, my scenario is similar.
If there any news on the ticket?
Hi Andrey,
Our team is working on this scenario and is going to submit a fix next week if everything goes according to plan. Please bear with us.