[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T295900: ASPxHtmlEditor - Iframes are lost after pasting when PasteMode=MergeFormatting]
The "drunk" editor behavior I reported in https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T296354 gave me an idea and now I'm able to reproduce this stably with the attached sample. Looks like it's all about focusing the editor.
In the attached video, I do the following:
- Refresh the page.
- (Essential!) Click outside of the editor to make it unfocused.
- (Essential!) Click the editor to make it focused.
- Do Ctrl+A, Ctrl+X, Backspace (to clear the editor), then Ctrl+V. You see CSS classes removed.
- Clear the editor again, then press Enter to create a paragraph. Do Ctrl+V in the paragraph. This time, the styles are better, but the outer div's CSS class name is removed, so the "OnlineDoc" marker jumps out of it.
The issue does not seem to occur without #2-3, that's why it was so hard to reproduce it.
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Hello Nickolay,
I reproduced this behavior in Firefox. It looks unexpected. I've passed this message to our R&D team for thorough research. We will inform you about our results.
I saw this in Chrome 45, so probably this is not browser-specific. An interesting thing I see in your video is the way content is selected. Previously, I created a case because Firefox did not select the entire content visually: https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T295498
What version of Firefox did you use to record your video?
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Hello Nickolay,
The provided video is recorded in Google Chrome. But the same issue occurs in FireFox as well. I've attached another screencast illustrating how the project operates in this browser.
P.S. I use the most recent version of Firefox (41.0.1). Selection works in the way described in T295498: ASPxHtmlEditor - Selection not displayed entirely in Firefox.