[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T297078: [Dashboards Web] Some information and error on export procedure]
In some reports when we try to export image or pdf the procedure return this error (min value ok, but which field?):
System.ArgumentException: MinValue can't be set to null.
in DevExpress.XtraCharts.Native.RangeDataBase.set_MinValue(Object value)
in DevExpress.DashboardExport.ChartDashboardItemExporter…ctor(DashboardExportMode mode, DashboardItemExportData data)
in DevExpress.DashboardExport.DashboardItemExporter.CreateExporter(DashboardExportMode mode, DashboardItemExportData data, DashboardReportOptions opts)
in DevExpress.DashboardExport.DashboardExporter.CreateItemExporters()
in DevExpress.DashboardExport.DashboardExporter.UpdateReport(DashboardReportOptions opts)
in DevExpress.DashboardExport.DashboardExporter.Export(Stream stream, DashboardExportMode mode, DashboardExportData data, DashboardReportOptions opts)
in DevExpress.DashboardCommon.Service.ExportOperation.ExecuteInternal(Boolean dataBindingApplied, DashboardServiceResult result, DashboardServerResult serverResult, DashboardSessionState sessionState)
in DevExpress.DashboardCommon.Service.DashboardServiceOperation`1.Execute(DashboardServiceResult result)
If you want I can send you a link to our dashreport test app so you can try.
Hi Marco,
Would you pleas provide a small sample project or your dashboard *.xml file to reproduce this issue on our side? A link to your test app will be helpful.
I have managed to reproduce the described problem on my side. It will require some time to research it in greater detail. I have passed this issue to our developers for further research. We will update the thread once we have any results.