After running the wizard to create a new WIN App (vb), I getting the following error message:
Invalid Markup (Check the Error List for more information. (See screenshot)
<dxr:RibbonStatusBarControl dxbh:BlendHelperForBarsAndRibbon.IsDesignControl="true" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
Thank you,
Hi Silvio,
Would you please clarify how you create the application step by step?
New Project
Visual Basic
DevExpress v15.1 Template Gallery
Project Wizard
(Run Wizard)
Theme-Supported Window: DXRibbonWindow
Themes: Office 2010 Blue
Ribbon & Toolbar System: Office 2010 Style
Ribbon & Toolbar System Customization: Advanced Ribbon
Data Grid: Table Layout
Create Project
Hello Silvio,
The cause of the problem is that our developers deleted this inner helper class from our source code. We will change the process of generating the source code to avoid this problem. I will forward this ticket to our R&D team, and we will contact you as soon as we get any results.
Still 15 days, no solution has been provided. Astonished for the technical support.,
Hi Nadeem, the issue is the XAML generated by our template. We are using a helper class that no longer is defined in the current version. We are going to fix this in our own code in the context of the ticket we referenced. You can make an immediate fix in your project by changed line 166 of MainWindow.xaml to
<dxr:RibbonStatusBarControl DockPanel.Dock="Bottom"><!--dxbh:BlendHelperForBarsAndRibbon.IsDesignControl="true"-->
by changing line 166*
This answer is provided by Areg who is the best client support member in DevExpress. I give 200% marks to him. This solution is working with me perfectly.