I have a problem with the DXGridControl when I am using a converter for multiple bindings to the same propertypath. Each binding has a different converter parameter, which returns a different value. It seems, that GridControl copies the first converterparameter to all other bindings. Maybe you understand my problem with my attached example. I have also an screenshot in my attachment. The original WPF-DataGrid has no problem with these bindings.
Thomas Humer
Hi Thomas,
If the FieldName property is not specified, GridControl uses a binding path to differentiate columns. Since in your case, the binding path for all columns is the same, the grid always displays values from the first column. To resolve the issue, specify unique FieldName values for your columns:
<dxg:GridColumn FieldName="Column1" Header="Bezeichnung" Binding="{Binding Generations, Converter={StaticResource findGenerationByDateConverter}, ConverterParameter=Name}" BestFitMode="AllRows" Width="350"/> <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="Column2" Header="Kurzbezeichnung" Binding="{Binding Generations, Converter={StaticResource findGenerationByDateConverter}, ConverterParameter=ShortName}" />
In the meantime, I've passed this thread to our developers, so that they can consider differentiating columns by other factors.