We are ASPxBinaryImage control in our project. Till devexpress v15.1.6, the client click event of ASPxBinaryImage control is working fine. But after i upgrade to devexpress v15.1.7, the client click event is not working. It thows the following error.
Uncaught TypeError: ASPx.SEClick is not a function
We have bind the following code in server side.
DevExpress.Web.ASPxBinaryImage img = new DevExpress.Web.ASPxBinaryImage();
img.ContentBytes = l_dashboardInfo.DashboardSnapshot;
img.CssClass = "panelImages";
img.AlternateText = l_dashboardInfo.DashboardName;
img.ID = l_dashboardInfo.DashboardId.ToString();
img.ToolTip = l_dashboardInfo.DashboardDescription;
img.ClientSideEvents.Click = "function(s,e) { loadSelectedDashboard('" + index.ToString() + "'); }";
But when i see in client side (after it renders in browser), it looks like as follows.
<img class="dxeImage_Moderno panelImages" id="4" onclick="return ASPx.SEClick('4', event)" src="/DXB.axd?DXCache=d7ec7c61-5806-482d-a2e4-ee5fbf6ab837" alt="Test Dashboard with 14.2" style="opacity: 0.4;">
Please help us to solve this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
I've reproduced the issue and passed it to our R&D team for further research. Please bear with us.