I tried to research this issue and I find the solution in the forum.
The AspxFileManager component returns the name of record in the KeyFieldName position.
In principle it's all right.
<SettingsDataSource KeyFieldName = "ID" ParentKeyFieldName = "PARENT_ID" NameFieldName = "NAME" IsFolderFieldName = "FOLDER" filebinarycontentfieldname = "DATA" lastwritetimefieldname = "DATE" />
As you can solve?
The issue is not quite clear to me. Would you please describe it in greater detail? In the meantime, please refer to the ASPxFileManager - How to get a file's SettingsDataSource.KeyFieldName field value ticket. Maybe this will address the problem you faced.
[DevExpress Support Team]: Originally posted by Andrés Márquez:
This example does not help me.
I need to create a directory to add the parentid.
By the keyfieldname returns the name?
A directory name or file can be repeated at other levels and never would be unique, I can not refer to the name.
protected void Files_FolderCreating (object source, FileManagerFolderCreateEventArgs e) {
SQLGD.InsertCommand = "insert into files (PARENT_ID, NAME, FOLDER) values (" + e.ParentFolder.Id + "," + e.Name.ToString () + ", true)";
e.ParentFolder.Id returns the name.Any solution?
I see the problem. I will forward this issue to our R&D team. Our developers will continue working on this problem, and we will keep you informed of any progress.
Good Morning,
For when I could be solved?
Any idea to solve it so far?
We are still working on this issue, please bear with us.
We will update this ticket as soon as we get results.
unfortunately we have the same issue and need very quick a solution for it.
Is there any Update?
Kind Regards