I'm facing a number of issues with content pasted in the Merge mode in my application. Take a look at the attached screencast (2015-10-01_1919.swf). The issues are (all this occurs in Chrome, can't check with Firefox due to other Firefox-specific issues):
- When I press Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+X, two nodes remain in the markup: the <p> node and an additional <div> node with my class at the end of the document, which is not expected.
- If I use Backspace to remove all the content and then paste it, the redonly inputs are pasted without CSS classes (but classes persist for divs) and with strange style values (I mean <div style>). Also, the iframe is not pasted.
- Then, I undo the changes and repeat the operation (select all, cut all). This time, I paste in a <p> tag, not into an empty document. The inserted styles are, well, strange. Looks like the outer div with the dashed border has lost its class now and therefore its internal readonly input is not positioned properly (it has position: absolute specified). Again, no iframe. If I choose to use source formatting instead, things will get better, but still no iframe.
- Then, I repeat steps 1-2, but choose source formatting this time. The result is the same as for #3: styles are fine, but no iframe.
Unfortunately, all those divs with specific classes, absolutely positioned readonly inputs and iframes are parts of complex entities in my applications, so I cannot allow changing their styles and removing their parts. At the same time, I was hoping to improve content pasting from Word and therefore I decided to use Merged pasting by default. So, this issue is important for me.
The only thing I can reproduce with a standalone sample you can find in the attachment is the disappearing iframe (see 2015-10-01_1945.swf, this happens with Chrome and Firefox). However, I hope that you'll be able to do something regarding the other issues without reproducing them. For example, I don't think it is reasonable to remove CSS class names from pasted content in the Merge mode. I think CSS class names should be never removed. At least, I cannot imagine a use case with which you'll want to remove CSS classes when merging the formatting as you don't know what those classes meant (what styles were associated with them) in the source document, from which the content was copied.
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Also, I'm on, but I think I saw all these issues with the 15.1.7 release as well. Chrome is v.45, Firefox is v.41.
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Hello Nickolay,
I reproduced the described behavior with iframes and forwarded this message to the R&D team for further research. We will update this thread once we have results.
What about the other issues? I think you'll say that you can't do anything regarding the not removed div at the end of content and empty style attributes (<div style>) without a sample - sorry, I cannot reproduce this outside of my project so far.
However, the removal of CSS class names during paste is a much more important issue. As I said, they have special meaning in my case and besides the content is a total mess without them. I can't reproduce this outside of my app as well, but I don't think there's a need to reproduce this. You should just change the merge pasting logic to never remove CSS classes. It doesn't make sense to remove them, especially when pasting to an empty document without any styles.
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
The "drunk" editor behavior I reported in https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T296354 gave me an idea and now I'm able to reproduce this stably with the attached sample. Looks like it's all about focusing the editor.
In the attached video, I do the following:
The issue does not seem to occur without #2-3, that's why it was so hard to reproduce it.
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Thank you for the additional information, Nickolay; it will be useful for our R&D team. Should you discover any other details, feel free to post them here at any time.
Nice to see you're working with me again :)
I'll certainly do if needed, but I think you should have all the things you need for now (sample project, steps and the video for all issues). We should probably split this case - my fault, I was too lazy (shame on me!) to report the removed CSS classes as a separate item and now the current case says "Reproduced" and I don't know whether it's about the original removed iframes issue (it probably is) or about the removed CSS classes issues (two of them, actually, depending on whether you're inserting in a <p> or in a totally empty document - not sure whether it's the same problem or not), which I was not originally able to reproduce, but managed to reproduce later and described in my previous comment.
Please move my previous comment with reproduction steps into one or two cases (depending on how you will consider the CSS class removal issues). I know you can do that ;-)
Nickolay, Software Architect
ClickHelp - Online Documentation Tool
Hello Nickolay,
This ticket is dedicated to the issue with iframe on pasting. Thus, it would be better to create a separate thread for unexpected behavior with CSS styles. I suggest that we will continue our conversation in this regard here: T297205: ASPxHtmlEditor - CSS styles are not applied correctly after pasting.