My goal is to use a GridLookup inside a Form Layout.
I have a partial view with GridLookup:
C#@Html.DevExpress().GridLookup(DXWebApplication1.GridViewSettingsHelper.CreateGridViewSettings(this, (GridLookupType)ViewData["gridType"])).BindToCustomData(Model).Bind(TempData["gridLookupInitialValue"]).GetHtml()
After submit button click, I want to get editor's value:
public ActionResult Edit(Product product) {
var gridLookupValue = GridLookupExtension.GetValue<string>("gridLookuplookup1")
"gridLookuplookup1" is GridLookup's name.
But value is null.
How I get selected value?
I have created a small sample project that has a similar functionality and operates correctly as shown in the attached screencast. The only difference is that I use the BindList method instead of the BindToCustomData method to bind the extension to a simple data list. If the issue is specific to custom binding, please update my sample to illustrate the custom binding implementation when the issue is replicated so that we can debug it locally. Thank you for your time and cooperation in advance.
Thank you for the answer!
I tried to add it to my project. Where am I wrong?
Thank you for your sample. I was able to reproduce it on our side. I will discuss it with the team. We will contact you once we have any results. We greatly appreciate your time and cooperation.
P.S.: Would you mind if I make this ticket Public, so that other customers can track its status? Moreover, we are publishing information about fixed issues (see What's New in Recent Versions) each time a new version is released. Please let us know if it is safe to do so. We can remove your attachments from this ticket if necessary to prevent your confidential information from being accessed by other customers.
Thank you!
Yes, of course you may make this ticket Public