Hello DevExpress support,
Have just met quite a weird behavior in my XAF project.
Problem is with grouping by column which demonstrates UpCasted field.
It is just disabled for non-administrator user while works fine for admin.
Sample project is attached.
Below is a bit of explanation:
Object model is pretty simple:
- ItemStorage contains collection of of Items;
- Item has some type associated;
- Type can by either ItemType (base) or ItemTypeDesc (descendant);
On detail view of Storage I see list of items and for each item I need to have column with field specific for ItemTypeDesc.
I use upcasting for this and access property as follows - ItemType.<ItemTypeDesc>ItemTypeDescName
I need data in grid to be grouped by this column.
It works perfect when I don't have security module in project.
Once I add it (SecurityStrategyComplex) then it only works for users in administrative roles.
For all other users - "Group By This Column" menu item is disabled.
It was not the case in old 12.2 version and I noticed it after update to 15.1.3.
Please advice how can I get this grouping to work.
Thanks in advance.
One more appearance of the same Issue - it's impossible to show group summaries for these columns.
Ok. I can see you managed to reproduce the issue.
Do you have any suggestions for workaround?
Or can you provide any estimation on the availability of solution?
I'm afraid there is no workaround since the issue is caused by our internal code and it is not available for override.