Bug Report T295493
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Security strategy disables grouping by the UpCasted column in a list

created 9 years ago

Hello DevExpress support,

Have just met quite a weird behavior in my XAF project.
Problem is with grouping by column which demonstrates UpCasted field.
It is just disabled for non-administrator user while works fine for admin.
Sample project is attached.
Below is a bit of explanation:

Object model is pretty simple:
- ItemStorage contains collection of of Items;
- Item has some type associated;
- Type can by either ItemType (base) or ItemTypeDesc (descendant);

On detail view of Storage I see list of items and for each item I need to have column with field specific for ItemTypeDesc.
I use upcasting for this and access property as follows - ItemType.<ItemTypeDesc>ItemTypeDescName

I need data in grid to be grouped by this column.
It works perfect when I don't have security module in project.
Once I add it (SecurityStrategyComplex) then it only works for users in administrative roles.
For all other users - "Group By This Column" menu item is disabled.

It was not the case in old 12.2 version and I noticed it after update to 15.1.3.

Please advice how can I get this grouping to work.
Thanks in advance.

Comments (3)
Konstantin Balashov 9 years ago

    One more appearance of the same Issue - it's impossible to show group summaries for these columns.

    KB KB
    Konstantin Balashov 9 years ago

      Ok. I can see you managed to reproduce the issue.
      Do you have any suggestions for workaround?
      Or can you provide any estimation on the availability of solution?

      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

        I'm afraid there is no workaround since the issue is caused by our internal code and it is not available for override.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 9 years ago

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

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