I have "externalized" some of my config sections from my web.config - so I have a line like this in my web.config:
<compilation configSource="App_Data\Config\compilation.config"/>
Whenever I work on my ASPxTreeList in an ".aspx file, I keep getting unwanted and undesired modifications to this section - which ends up looking like:
<compilation configSource="App_Data\Config\compilation.config">
<add assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxThemes.v15.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" />
and then my app won't start since ASP.NET complains I cannot have config entries in a section that contains a "configSource=…" attribute.
I hope DX will be able to **FIX** this annoying behavior - the "ASPxThemes" assembly **IS** referenced in the externalized "compilation.config" configuration - so why does DX insist on constantly adding that assembly to "<compilation>/<assemblies>" - and then adds that reference in the wrong place, too … DX should be smart enough to recognize the "configSource=…" attribute and go look in **THAT** config file if the reference has already been added - and if not, if you REALLY must, then AT LEAST add it there, in the right place. Don't mess up my "web.config" to the point I cannot even launch my application anymore!
Hello Marc,
I have reproduced the described behavior and forwarded this issue to our developers. We will update this thread once any news regarding this subject is available.