I've been struggling with getting a field containing HTML to work in my GridView. On submit of an edit, the edit saves, but throws the error "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (DXCallbackArgument="…""
On looking through other tickets, I've seen that this should be possible.
I came across the solution provided to one ticket, T142275, a project which implements this with no troubles.
With some testing, I've narrowed it down to some ComboBox type columns in my datagrid (Seperate from the HTML containing field). As soon as I change the type to MVCxGridViewColumnType.ComboBox, the exception is thrown.
Is there something I'm missing, or is it not possible to include a combobox in this curcumstance?
Thank you for pointing out this behavior. I was able to reproduce it on our side. I will discuss it with the team. We will contact you once we have any results. We greatly appreciate your time and cooperation.