I have an issue with the Winforms GridControl in DevExpress 15.1, when exporting a grid to an XLSX spreadsheet.
When exported, cells that originated from Nullable DateTime properties are set to a "General" format in Excel, instead of "Date", and thus appear as a number, not a date.
In DX 14.2 , they were correctly exported using a Date format.
I've attached a sample VS 2013 solution with two projects - one using DX 14.2, and one upgraded to 15.1 - they are otherwise identical.
Also included in the zip are the two corresponding exported xlsx files.
Click the export button in each program, and note the difference in the exported "Nullable Date Time" column.
If relevant, my PC locale is United Kingdom.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is this change intentional?
Can you recommend a workaround?
Hello Martin,
Thanks for your project. I have reproduced this behavior. I have forwarded this ticket to our R&D team. We will research and update it as soon as we obtain any additional information.