Hello DevExpressSupport,
I'm wondering whether the ZoomTrackbar should adapt the slider according to the values of MinZoomLevel and MaxZoomLevel properties of the MapControl.
Currently the slider won't be movable beyond the values set to MinZoomLevel and MaxZoomLevel. So technically it's okay.
But I feel the user experience to be a little awkward, when the slider is limited in it's movable range. The user has no idea why the slider is not movable over it's full range.
I think it would be more elegant, if the MinZoomLevel is always set to the bottom of the slider and MaxZoomLevel to the top of the ZoomTrackbar
Or am I completely mistaken?
Thank you for your feedback in advance.
Hi Tom,
Thank you for contacting us. Your assumption is correct. It is better to rescale the Zoom trackbar based on the current Min/Max values. Actually, we have already fixed a similar issue in MapControl for the WinForms platform (see Always stretch the indicator adjustment area based on the trackbar size). We will correct the MapControl for WPF behavior accordingly.
Hi Alex,
thanks for informing me.
Regards Tom
You are welcome, Tom. We will keep you informed of our progress.
Thanks again for providing a hotfix.
Have a nice weekend.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, Tom. We are here to help you.