Is there any way to make a parameter null when in the report designer as I have parameters that are optional in the stored procedure?
In crystal reports you can tick a null checkbox on the parameter when requesting data.
I am currently using the script below on a test report which allows me to retrieve the data with out errors from the datasource when I leave the optional parameter blank but if I try to put a value in to the text box and press submit it doesn't use it and when you click on the parameter panel again the value disappears.
I am using a custom parameter panel on a report viewer app I have created so I don't have these problems.
Craig Smith
Visual BasicPrivate Sub XtraReport_ParametersRequestSubmit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.ParametersRequestEventArgs)
Dim Info As Object = e
For Each Info In e.ParametersInformation
If Info.Parameter.Type.FullName = "System.String" Then
If Info.Parameter.Value = "" Then Info.Parameter.Value = DBNull.Value
End If
End Sub
Hello Craig,
I reproduced this behavior and passed it to our developers for further research. We will let you know our results. Thank you for drawing our attention to this.