Hi I'm currently using DevExpress SpreadsheetControl in my WinForms project.
I'm using the SpreadsheetControl and the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl in my form. I have bound these two controls to each other via SpreadsheetNameBoxControl.SpreadsheetControl property. I would like to set the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl as readonly so that the end-user cannot edit the value inside the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl but still would reflect the cell selected in SpreadsheetControl.
I have tried by setting SpreadsheetNameBoxControl.ReadOnly to true both in designer and also in runtime. When the application first loads, the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl looks disabled and does not get into edit mode. But when a cell gets selected in the SpreadsheetControl via mouse click, the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl becomes enabled and is allowed to be edited.
Please advise how can I change this behaviour so that the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl stays in readonly mode.
Attached is a sample project which demonstrate how I am trying to set the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl as readonly.
Thank you.
I have successfully reproduced the behavior you described and passed this ticket to our developers' team for further research.
Please bear with us. We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.