Bug Report T293144
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NullReferenceException is raised in Dock Layout Manager when a panel is removed in the DockItemEndDocking event handler

created 9 years ago

Hi, Dear DevExpress Support:

Out team updated the version of  DevExpress from 11.2.14 to, and we found a new problem  in  the DockLayoutManager.

Firstly, please check the ticket  "T219581  The CPU usage is greater on mouse over if the DockLayoutManager is used".  Finally , we got a workaround [dxSample.zip]  from Andrey Marten, which resovled our problem successfully. But now, after updated to, a error happened when I want to drag and drop the top-left  tab in the DockLayout.

The  codes are:

void RootUIElementMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if(DockPane.GetHitTestType(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject) != DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.Base.HitTestType.ControlBox) return; OnMouseMove(EventArgsHelper.Convert(RootUIElement, e)); }

And the error info is:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.Platform.TabHeaderInsertHelper.GetIntervals(ILayoutContainer container)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.Platform.TabHeaderInsertHelper…ctor(IDockLayoutContainer container, Point point, Boolean canInsertAfterAll)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.Platform.LayoutViewReorderingListener.InsertionHelper.Update(DockLayoutElementDragInfo dragInfo, Boolean isStartedAsReordering)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.Platform.LayoutViewReorderingListener.InsertTabPageCore(DockLayoutElementDragInfo dragInfo)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.Platform.LayoutViewReorderingListener.OnDragging(Point point, ILayoutElement element)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core.Dragging.DragServiceState.DoDragging(IView view, Point point, OperationType type)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core.Dragging.DragServiceState.DoDragging(IView view, Point point)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core.Dragging.ReorderingDragServiceState.ProcessMouseMove(IView view, Point point)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core.Dragging.DragService.ProcessMouseCore(IView processor, Point screenPoint, MouseEventType eventType, MouseEventArgs e)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core.Dragging.DragService.ProcessMouseOverride(IView view, MouseEventType eventType, MouseEventArgs ea)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core.UIService.ProcessMouse(IView view, MouseEventType eventType, MouseEventArgs ea)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core.Platform.ViewAdapter.ProcessMouseEvent(IView view, MouseEventType eventType, MouseEventArgs ea)
   at DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core.Platform.BaseView.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs ea)
   at CFETS.NTP.CLT.Infrastructure.Presentation.Workspace.Subscriber.RootUIElementMouseMove(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

Could you kindly check this for me? Thank you very much.

Show previous comments (6)
Alexander Russkov (DevExpress) 9 years ago

    Thank you for your sample project, Li. I have passed this ticket to our developers for further research. In the meantime, as a solution, you can use the BeginInvoke method in the following manner:

    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { _documentGroup.Remove(_pnlNewPanel); _documentGroup.Add(_pnlNewPanel); }));


      Hi,Alexander Rus:
      Your solution is cool. Now the project worked with no exceptions.
      Thank you very much.

      Alexander Russkov (DevExpress) 9 years ago

        You are always welcome, Li

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

        Additional information:

        We've fixed this exception. However, DockItemEndDocking is raised before an item is actually docked to the corresponding group. So, to execute your code correctly, you need to use the Dispatcher.BeginInvoke method.

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