Bug Report T292820
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ASPxPageControl /MVC PageControl - Tab height is calculated incorrectly in Firefox

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)


After upgrade Firefox to the latest version (41.0), there was a problem with PageControl and tabs height. If PopupAnimationType is set as "AnimationType.None" there are problems.

I've attached a simple project and movie to illustrate this issue.

Best regards, Mariusz

Show previous comments (3)
Fréderic Halfon 9 years ago

    Is there a turn around in 14.2.3 ? like can we set PopupAnimationType  or whatever property to something to avoid the bug ?
    One release of our application is based on the 14.2.3 and we don't want to migrate it to 14.2.11 as it is stable and tested.

    Nastya (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

      Hello Fréderic,
      As a workaround, you can place your ASPxPageControl inside the <div> element without defining the div height like this:

      <div> <dx:ASPxPageControl ID="ASPxPageControl1" runat="server"> </dx:ASPxPageControl> </div>
      FH FH
      Fréderic Halfon 9 years ago

        I'll test that ASAP

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

        Additional information:

        While researching this issue, we have discovered that it is caused by the problem in the Firefox 41 browser.

        We have submitted a corresponding ticket to the Bugzilla Tracker:
        Bug 1211876 - Changing element height in specific HTML markup via specific order of operations does not allow resetting height in Firefox 41

        The attached files contain an explanation and illustration of this issue without DevExpress ASP.NET products. The same information is submitted to the mentioned bug report.

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