I am Suraya and I am very interesting about RichText Editor where it's look like MS Words.
My team are create some project regarding Mail Merge and Documentation Online (Distribute and Read Only) where my opinion I can ask them to purchase this product.
Before that, I try your demo site and do some typing with functionality available, but when I test Bullet Number with Justified it's look not proper set-up.
Maybe yours can see from my attachment what I am trying to said.
Hope fully yours can fixed as soon as possible because it's look just very little bugs. I Hope so.
Anyway my opinion regarding RichText Editor are 95% already successfully, hope some little bugs can be determine and fixed.
Best Regards
Thank you for pointing out this behavior. I was able to reproduce it on our side. I will discuss it with the team. We will contact you once we have any results. We greatly appreciate your time and cooperation.
I just like to know when your probably fixed this bugs. There is anyway tips or trick where I can used it.
Anyway… thanks for your quick reply
Best Regards
Our developers are currently looking through this behavior. At this time, I have no ETA on this. We will, however, update this ticket once we have results. Thanks for your patience.
Recently I try your trial version, it's ok. the bullet number rendering nearly perfect but it's not save the Indent format even I already adjust many time.
Back to this matter, it's already 2 months. I always go to your Sample RichEdit Demo and try it but still not fixed a bug.
Any plan to look this matter sir?
thanks you.
I confirm that our developers are actively working on the fix. We still need to clarify certain aspects and then we will update this ticket with information about the fix. Thank you for your time and cooperation in advance.