[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T274368: The CustomCommand event does not fire until a user switches from the Design tab to HTML and back]
My fault, I had a feeling you'll need more precise steps. Here they are:
- Open the project in Chrome 45 (not in Firefox - in Firefox, it seems to work fine).
- Do not click the link. It's from my previous experiment and appeared to be irrelevant. Instead, click the second tab on the ribbon.
- Click the Image button on the ribbon. The button is supposed to invoke a custom dialog. You'll see that the ribbon item click event handler will fire, but ASPxHtmlEditor will ignore the click. However, if you click the Design view contents and focus it, the ribbon commands will keep working fine from that point and further.
I've attached a Jing video just in case - it shows that the dialog works fine first, then I refresh the page and it does not work, then I click the Design view and it keeps working again.
Nickolay, Software Architect
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