I was facing this issue on all the TreeViews of my application after upgrading from v.2012 vol 2.13, so I decided to make a Test application with a Treeview in order to reproduce the problem.
In the first instance, I was not able to reproduce the issue until I added a Theme to my Test Application.
Then when I tried to scroll on the Treeview with the mousse wheel my application crash.
Any idea how can I solve it?
Thanks on advance!
PS: On Windows 8 works fine.
Hello Manuel,
I have tried to reproduce the described issue, but without success. I have attached a video to demonstrate my attempts. Would you please record a screencast to demonstrate the issue? You can use the Jingtool for this purpose.
we are facing the same problem in Win 7 64bits
Here is the screencast http://screencast.com/t/gQdr6LHxelcU
Hello Daniel,
Would you please clarify the version of the .NET Framework installed on the machine? This will make the situation clearer.
Hi, I have .NET Framework 4.5
(RELEAASE DWORD VALUE: 378389 according to this page: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh925568%28v=vs.110%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396#net_b)
Thank you for the clarification. I have reproduced this issue on a virtual machine with an old .NET Framework version. Our developers will research why this problem occurs and we will let you know our results.
I will really appreciate if you can treat this as urgent.
We are waiting for this to release a new version.
Best, Daniel.