Bug Report T290756
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ASPxHtmlEditor - Provide a way to use a custom FileSystemProvider in dialogs

created 9 years ago

we have written our own FileSystemProvider, which we use with FileManager in custom SelectImageForm.ascx. After upgrade DevExpress ASP.NET controls to version 15.1.5 is no longer supported custom dialogs and is recommended using InsertImageDialog which is directly part HTMLEditor components.
My question is, if there's any way to substitute our FileSystemProvider to HTMLEditor, or if you have any demo project how to proceed in this case?

We upgrade from 14.1. version.

Thak you for answer.
Michal Jehlar
OpenOne a.s.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

Additional information:

We have updated the HtmlEditorFileManagerSettingsBase class with the following settings.

CustomFileSystemProvider - specifies the custom file system provider used in a dialog.
CustomFileSystemProviderTypeName - specifies the name of a custom file system provider type that is used in a dialog.
ProviderType - specifies the type of provider used by a dialog.
SettingsAmazon - gets settings allowing a dialog to access a file system retained in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
SettingsAzure - gets settings allowing a dialog to access a file system retained in Azure Service.
SettingsDataSource - gets settings allowing a dialog to access a file system retained in a data source.
SettingsDropbox - gets settings allowing a dialog to access a file system retained in the Dropbox Service.

    created 9 years ago


    Starting with v15.1, the default ASPxHtmlEditor dialogs are rendered at runtime. Thus, the previous approach for customization with User Controls is not efficient any more. We provide a way for changing the default rendering using the SettingsDialogssettings. However, these settings are more  suitable for appearance customization rather than changing the logic of the default dialogs.

    The most efficient solution is to implement a custom dialog replicating the "Insert Image" dialog behavior. I recommend that you refer to the T263833: ASPxHtmlEditor - Custom default dialogs after 14.2? ticket, where such a dialog is implemented. You can use it as a base for your scenario.

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