Pivotgrid page truncated when virtual scroll turn on , on IE
causing we can not see the grand total on bottom most.
on Firefox/Chrome the page shows correctly
Pivotgrid page truncated when virtual scroll turn on , on IE
causing we can not see the grand total on bottom most.
on Firefox/Chrome the page shows correctly
We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.
Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.
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Hi Zhang,
We have fixed a similar issue in newer versions. Try the latest available versions (14.2.9 and 15.1.6) and let me know whether or not the problem disappears.
Hi John,
We have actually upgraded the control from 14.2 to 14.2.9 and it did not fix the problem. Please refer to the attachment.
Hi Zhang,
Unfortunately, we failed to reproduce the issue on our side. Attached is a test project. It looks like the issue depends on your specific project configuration. Please clarify your configuration and the IE browser version. The source code will be also very helpful.
Dmitry Z.
Hi Dmitry,
We are using IE 11. The following is our settings.
PivotGridSettings settings = new PivotGridSettings(); settings.Name = "ReportPivotGridResult"; settings.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); settings.OptionsBehavior.BestFitMode = DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.PivotGridBestFitMode.Default; settings.OptionsCustomization.AllowCustomizationForm = false; settings.OptionsView.ShowRowHeaders = true; settings.OptionsView.DataHeadersDisplayMode = DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid.PivotDataHeadersDisplayMode.Popup; settings.OptionsView.DataHeadersPopupMinCount = 4; settings.OptionsView.DataHeadersPopupMaxColumnCount = 6; settings.Height = Unit.Pixel(600); settings.OptionsView.VerticalScrollingMode = PivotScrollingMode.Virtual; settings.OptionsView.HorizontalScrollingMode = PivotScrollingMode.Virtual; settings.OptionsView.VerticalScrollBarMode = ScrollBarMode.Visible; settings.OptionsView.HorizontalScrollBarMode = ScrollBarMode.Auto; settings.OptionsPager.Visible = false; //default value for rows per page settings.OptionsPager.RowsPerPage = SystemSettings.RowsPerPage; //settings.OptionsPager.RowsPerPage = 25; settings.PopupMenuCreated += (s, e) => { if (e.MenuType == DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid.PivotGridPopupMenuType.HeaderMenu) { //always clear because it will add different things by default e.Menu.Items.Clear(); //detect the current state var grid = (ASPxPivotGrid)s; var iscurrentshowing = grid.OptionsView.ShowColumnTotals; var isfirsttime = null == operation; if (isfirsttime) { e.Menu.Items.Add("Hide Totals", "HideTotals"); } else { if (iscurrentshowing) { e.Menu.Items.Add("Hide Totals", "HideTotals"); } else { e.Menu.Items.Add("Show Totals", "ShowTotals"); } } SessionWriter.Write("pivotGridTemp", grid); } }; settings.AfterPerformCallback = (s, e) => { var pivotGrid = (MVCxPivotGrid)s; if (null == operation) { var grid = (ASPxPivotGrid)s; var iscurrentshowing = grid.OptionsView.ShowColumnTotals; if (iscurrentshowing) { pivotGrid.OptionsView.ShowAllTotals(); } else { pivotGrid.OptionsView.HideAllTotals(); } } else if ("HideTotals".Equals(operation)) { pivotGrid.OptionsView.HideAllTotals(); } else if ("ShowTotals".Equals(operation)) { pivotGrid.OptionsView.ShowAllTotals(); } SessionWriter.Write("pivotGridTemp", pivotGrid); }; settings.BeforeGetCallbackResult = (sender, e) => { if ("Apply".Equals(operation) && reportVm != null) { //clear first PivotGridHelper.SetPivotGridFieldLayout((MVCxPivotGrid)sender, reportVm); //apply filter PivotGridHelper.ChangePivotGridFieldLayout((MVCxPivotGrid)sender, reportVm); } else if ("ClearApply".Equals(operation) && reportVm != null) PivotGridHelper.SetPivotGridFieldLayout((MVCxPivotGrid)sender, reportVm); }; settings.PreRender = (s, e) => { var grid = (MVCxPivotGrid)s; grid.OptionsView.ShowAllTotals(); PivotGridHelper.SetPivotGridFieldLayout((MVCxPivotGrid)s, reportVm); }; settings.CustomFieldSort = (s, e) => { var grid = (MVCxPivotGrid)s; if ((e.Field.Tag + "").Trim().ToUpper() == ConstBizCategory.Date.ToUpper()) { var fieldKeyName = MdxNamingConvention.GetKeyCalMeasureName(e.Field.FieldName); var dataTable = grid.DataSource as DataTable; if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Columns.Contains(fieldKeyName)) { if (e.ListSourceRowIndex1 > -1 && e.ListSourceRowIndex2 > -1) { var dr1 = dataTable.Rows[e.ListSourceRowIndex1]; var dr2 = dataTable.Rows[e.ListSourceRowIndex2]; e.Result = System.Collections.Comparer.Default.Compare(dr1[fieldKeyName], dr2[fieldKeyName]); e.Handled = true; } else if (e.ListSourceRowIndex1 == -1) { // Month fiter item sort if (e.Field.FieldName.Trim().ToUpper() == ConstDataBizName.Month.ToUpper()) { var strMonthYear1 = e.Value1.ToString().Substring(5); var strMonthYear2 = e.Value2.ToString().Substring(5); var strMonth1 = strMonthYear1.Substring(0, strMonthYear1.Length - 5); var strMonth2 = strMonthYear2.Substring(0, strMonthYear2.Length - 5); var intMonth1 = DateTime.ParseExact(strMonth1, "MMMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month.ToString("00"); var intMonth2 = DateTime.ParseExact(strMonth2, "MMMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month.ToString("00"); var strCompare1 = e.Value1.ToString().Substring(0, 4) + intMonth1; var strCompare2 = e.Value2.ToString().Substring(0, 4) + intMonth2; e.Result = System.Collections.Comparer.Default.Compare(strCompare1, strCompare2); e.Handled = true; } // Day fiter item sort else if (e.Field.FieldName.Trim().ToUpper() == ConstDataBizName.Day.ToUpper()) { var str1 = DateTime.ParseExact(e.Value1.ToString(), "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); var str2 = DateTime.ParseExact(e.Value2.ToString(), "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); e.Result = System.Collections.Comparer.Default.Compare(str1, str2); e.Handled = true; } } } } }; settings.CustomFilterPopupItems = (s, e) => { if ((e.Field.Tag + "").Trim().ToUpper() == ConstBizCategory.Date.ToUpper()) { if (e.Field.SortOrder == PivotSortOrder.Ascending) return; List<PivotGridFilterItem> items = new List<PivotGridFilterItem>(e.Items); items.Reverse(); e.Items.Clear(); foreach (PivotGridFilterItem item in items) e.Items.Add(item); } }; return settings;
Hi Zhang,
Thank you for the update. Could you please check Document mode settings on the problematic page by pressing the F12 key? Which DOCTYPE are you using? If you are viewing the page in Compatibility Mode, I recommend that you refer to How to adjust DevExpress ASP.NET controls when opening a page in the Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode. We are looking forward to your feedback.
Hi Alex,
Tried to adjust IE compatibility mode, it doesn't work either.
I attached capture screen of DOCTYPE used (see attachment).
I also provide another screen shoot, it seems stuck and can't scroll down anymore. Tried with small number of data just fine, it happens only with a very large of data/rows.
Have another solution?
Looking forward for your help.
Hi Zhang,
Just to clarify: have you tested the sample project uploaded by Dmitry Z. on your side (see the DXSample.zip archive)? Is it affected by the same problem? It would be helpful if you duplicate your Pivot Grid settings and View layout in the working example and send it to us for further examination. Once we isolate a similar situation locally, we will do our best to find a suitable solution for you.
I observe similar problem. My PivotGrid has 120 columns. Right side of the PivotGrid is truncated and it looks like it exceeds right border of the page! Horizontal scrollbar is not displayed in spite of confiiguration settings. When I set the width of the PivotGrid, data header of the PivotGrid is shown only and it's width seems to be equal desired width of the entire PivotGrid. Described above problem appears on IE11 and Chrome. PivotGrid is placed on the tab panel located on main page area. Page layout is bootstrap 3 based. I will try to reproduce this on the clean layout.
Hi Artur,
Thank you for your report. Please check to see if a similar issue occurs after modifying the Pivot Grid layout from the Virtual Scrolling demo module. Feel free to upload your sample project for further examination. We will check for a permanent solution.
I have investigated this issue. The problem is in bootstrap tab-pane class. When you place large pivot grid in tab pane and set its width to some width it is almost hidden (just horizontal line is shown). Bootstrap tab pane is a div
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="panel1">…</div>
If you remove tab-pane class from div PivotGrid is shown correctly.
Hi Artur,
Thank you for sharing this information with us, Artur. Please refer to the following ticket and try the solution provided there: ImageZoomNavigator - It is rendered incorrectly in collapsible panel. Feel free to update this ticket if you need further assistance. We will be happy to help you.
Hi ,
Still doesn't work.
I've manage to create a sample project for you. I can reproduce it on IE.
we use the 14.2.9
Thank you for the update, Zhang. We will examine this behavior in greater detail and check for a suitable solution. Your patience is appreciated.
Are there any updates to this issue?
Hi DevExpress,
Do you have any question for us?
have you able to manage my issue? it's already two weeks and the UAT defect is still hang there in my list. Before escalate this ticket to you, we have spend about 2 weeks to find the workaround.
Please to provide us a solution (temporary or permanent) as long as I can close the defect by this week.
Note: Permanent solution is still expected.
Hi Heri,
We are currently working on this issue and will update this ticket once we have any results. I am afraid I cannot guarantee that we found a solution until the end of this week. I have informed our developers about the importance of this issue and we will do our best to process it with high priority.
Hi Alex,
Now it's already three weeks. This should already a known issue on your side especially it's only a small numbers of rows but it's already shows as bugs because your product is being used by markets and we need to get the solution by next week otherwise my UAT defect will drag and it's critical for my team to deliver the solution by this year in which we have a tight schedule looking at the project schedule - critical path.
Hi Heri,
We are doing our best to find a permanent solution for you. We will notify you once we have any news. As an immediate workaround, temporarily disable the virtual scrolling mode (vertical) and enable the Pivot Grid pager instead. We apologize for any possible inconvenience.