Is there a way on the MVC DashboardViewer to handle errors that are thrown when an error occurs on the server-side of when the DashboardLoadedEventHandler is executing? In different controls I noticed that this is possibly handled on the settings.ClientSideEvents.CallBackError. As similarly shown in this example:
Is there a way to do this same type of thing on the DashboardViewer?
This is what my DashboardViewerPartial looks like:
C#@Html.DevExpress().DashboardViewer(settings =>
settings.Name = "DashboardViewer";
settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "DashboardViewersPartial", Action = "DashboardViewersPartial", viewerName = Model.DashboardSourceModel.DashboardId };
settings.ExportRouteValues = new { Controller = "DashboardViewersPartial", Action = "DashboardViewersPartialExport" };
settings.Height = Model.Height;
settings.Width = Model.Width;
settings.EnableTheming = true;
settings.RedrawOnResize = true;
settings.FullscreenMode = true;
settings.AllowExportDashboard = true;
settings.AllowExportDashboardItems = true;
//settings.ClientSideEvents.CallBackError = "" <--------- This doesn't exist
At present, the CallbackError event is not supported by our DashboardViewer extension. We agree that this is a useful feature and will continue working on this functionality. Once we have any results, we will update this ticket status accordingly.