Code first entity framework WPF project using the DevExpress Tabbed MDI View wizard. The main windows has a RibbonControl that is merged with the tabbed views of the main window.
I added an ApplicationMenu to the RibbonControl. It is a BackstageViewControl with BackstageTabItems.
One of the BackstageTabItems.ControlPane contains a DockLayoutManager tabbed MDI view that also has a RibbonControl (basically the same as the main tabbed MDI view)
The BackstageTabItems.ControlPane RibbonControl items are shown in the BackstageTabItems.ControlPane, but the RibbonControl of the tabbed documents in the ControlPane is not shown or merged.
By clicking the ApplicationMenu on and off quick, it seems to me that the RibbonControl of the document in the tabbed MDI BackstageTabItem is merged with the main window RibbonControl (I see it momentarily when the ApplicationMenu is removed).
I want the RibbonControl of the tabbed documents in the BackstageTabItem to merge with the RibbonControl in the BackstageTabItem, not the applications RibbonControl (the RibbonControl of the main window.).
How can I do this?