I have a dashboard with a DashboardSqlDataSource…
My DashboardSqlDataSource is named: "Indicadores" and have three sqls: ***"My Cube A"***, "My Cube B" and ***"My Cube C"***.
Opening the dashboard, the designer load all fields of the all sqls…
But, when I force a exception in "My Cube A" the other slqs are not loaded.
Its possible load the others sqls even when a sql launch exception?
Thanks !
Alysson Guimarães - Sisloc Softwares LTDA.
Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that we need a bit more time to finish working on our answer to your inquiry. Thanks so much for your patience.
We have significantly updated the data processing engine in the Dashboard Suite version 15.1. Now all queries are loaded at once from different threads. If exception is raised during any query loading, we stop loading at all and show exception immediately, since it allows to avoid delay. Would you please clarify why approach used in the previous version with full data loading were better for you task, and we will consider this functionality implementation in the current suite version.
The system allow the user create and edit any sql to use in your dashboard. The sqls are stored in a table of my database. The application is multi-user, various users at the same time.
Now I have two sqls in my table, when user create a dashboard, he can select any sql of the DashboardSqlDataSource.
My Sql A (select * from tableA)
My Sql B (select * from tableB)
So, I have two dashboards: Dashboard A - Created by User A and Dashboard B - Created by User B
In Dashboard A, User A selected My Sql A.
In Dashboard B, User B selected My Sql B.
The users finished the edition and closed the dashboards (A and B)
User A return the edition of Dashboard A and change the My Sql A and this change causes errors
Example of change:
MySql A (select * tableA)
When User B open the Dashboard B, the Dasboard B not work more because My Sql B not load even though no errors, but because My Sql A caused exception.
Thank you for the clarification. It will require some time to research the task in greater detail. I have passed this issue to our developers for further research. We will update the thread once we have any results.