Dear DevExpress support,
I've got the following issue: DockPanel.Visibility set to hidden ends up in a empty rectangle on screen
Make a Tabbed Document of a dockpanel (DockPanel2.DockedAsTabbedDocument = true)
Then undock it as Tabbed Document (DockPanel2.DockedAsTabbedDocument = false)
Finally, set it hidden(DockPanel2.Visibility = Hidden)
An empty Rectangle is drawn on the screen. You cannot click on it or remove it.
After closing the application it is gone.
I've attached the code that demonstrate this.
I hope you have a solution for this.
Greetings, Ton.
I've reproduced the described problem and passed this ticket to our developers for additional research. Please stay tuned.
Hello, is there any progress on this issue? I still stay tuned… :-)
Our developers are looking for a solution. I assure you that they will do their best to resolve the problem as soon as they can. Once the report's state has been changed, you'll receive an email notification from the Support Center.