The context of this question is around mouse dragging the header of a docked panel (i.e. LayoutPanel) to undock it to a floating panel (i.e. FloatGroup).
In most software, drag operations have a minimum distance (i.e. 5 pixels) that must be surpassed before initiating the drag. In DevEx's docking system, any mouse movement on the header drag causes the panel to float. Our application embeds some buttons in the header, and given the docking system's current behavior, it's very easy to accidentally float a panel when mis-clicking one of our buttons. Is there a way to configure a minimum drag distance before it decides to float the panel?
Hi Jason,
I have reviewed the issue and it looks like this behavior is incorrect. I have forwarded this ticket to our developers for further research. We will let you know once we have any results. Please stay tuned.