When copying text from the Rich Edit control to MS Word, the formatting is different and incorrect. Please see the screen shots attached.
Here's the pasted text (which also shows it formatted incorrectly):
Event date/time changed.
[1] Home page slide becomes:
LECTURE SERIESDarrell Hillaire – "What About Those Promises?"
Saturday, October 24th, 2015)
[2] First line of calender event becomes:
day, Oct. 24th | 1:00 PM
Live: http://www.hibulbculturalcenter.org
Live: http://www.hibulbculturalcenter.org/Events/Calendar
Review: http://hibulbmuseum.tulalipdata.com
Review: http://hibulbmuseum.tulalipdata.com/Events/Calendar
customer Thu 9/10/2015 2:09 PM email: Darrell Hillaire just called to reschedule his lecture series event. Sorry. Can you change the date to Saturday, October 24, 2015, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. for the Lecture Series event with Darrell Hillaire, ‘What About those Promises’. Same info, just different day and time.
Hello Joe,
Your scenario is not completely clear to me. Does the problem occur when the provided text is copied from RichEdit to Word, or the text is displayed incorrectly in RichEdit as well? In addition, please send us a test document with the formatting applied. The provided text content is displayed in the same way both in RichEdit and in Word.
Did you not see the attached image or are you just so rushed that you completely ignored it? Please review the attached image and the big red arrows pointing to the differences.
and no I can't "send you a test document" as that functionality is not available from the code and pasting it into anything cause the formatting errors.
Is there an update on this?
Hello Joe,
I've managed to reproduce this behavior on my side and forwarded this ticket to our developers for further research. You will be informed as soon as we have any results.