I have submitted a support ticket earlier (yesterday) on the same subject.
I thought the problem was solved, but it is not.
The problem is:
I have a combobox which opens the enabled folders fo a user depending on his logon info.
The filemanager is opened according to the selected folder in the combobox.
This seems to work ok when you are in the same root folder, but whyen you change the rootfolder it "hangs".
The example you made at devexpress has the same rootfolder all the time
Code for the combobox:
ASPx<dx:ASPxComboBox ID="cboDineMapper" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDineMapper"
TextField="Mappe" ValueField="Mappe" ValueType="System.String" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="cboDineMapper_SelectedIndexChanged" NullText="Velg mappe">
C#protected void cboDineMapper_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strValgtMappe = cboDineMapper.SelectedItem.ToString();
ASPxFileManager2.Visible = true;
ASPxFileManager2.Settings.RootFolder = "~/Mapper/" + strValgtMappe;
Code for the FileManager:
ASPx<dx:ASPxFileManager ID="ASPxFileManager1" runat="server" EnableTheming="True" Theme="Glass" Height="410px" Width="468px"
OnSelectedFileOpened="ASPxFileManager1_SelectedFileOpened" ToolTip="Dobbelklikk for å velge fil til vedlegg" >
<Settings RootFolder="~\Mapper" ThumbnailFolder="~\Mapper" InitialFolder="~\Mapper" />
<SettingsFileList View="Details">
<dx:FileManagerDetailsColumn Caption="Filnavn" FileInfoType="FileName" Width="180">
<dx:FileManagerDetailsColumn Caption="Dato endret" FileInfoType="LastWriteTime" Width="90">
<SettingsEditing AllowDownload="True" AllowCreate="True" AllowDelete="True" />
<SettingsToolbar ShowFilterBox="False" ShowPath="False">
<SettingsLoadingPanel Text="Vent...…" />
<File Width="80px">
<FolderContainer Width="150px">