I have prepared a series chart in my project. I have issue for formatting value as german value. Please check attached screenshot, I have highlighted values with rectangle area(red).
In the grid I can display value as per germal format, but I did not find a way to display same format in the chart.
for eg.
-- In the Grid : 61,06 in German(de-DE) its showing correct.
-- In the Chart : 61.06 its not showing as per German culture, I want to display its value 61,06 not 61.06
For the series I have below code,
HTMLSeries series = new Series(); series.Visible = true; series.Name = "Männlich"; series.ArgumentDataMember = "LISTNAME"; series.ValueDataMembers[0] = "ALTERM"; series.Label.PointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Number; //series.CrosshairLabelPattern = "{A}: {V}"; //series.CrosshairLabelPattern = string.Format("{0}", Convert.ToDecimal(e.Value).ToString("N", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE"))); SideBySideBarSeriesView V = ((SideBySideBarSeriesView)series.View); V.Color = Color.Green; settings.Series.Add(series); series = new Series(); series.Visible = true; series.Name = "Weiblich"; series.ArgumentDataMember = "LISTNAME"; series.ValueDataMembers[0] = "ALTERW"; series.Label.PointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Number; //series.CrosshairLabelPattern = "{A}: {V:P1}"; //series.CrosshairLabelPattern = "{V}"; V = ((SideBySideBarSeriesView)series.View); V.Color = Color.Magenta; settings.Series.Add(series);
Please check the screenshot, so you can understand my scenario and let me know how to show correct value in german culture.
Aslam Ansari
I have managed to reproduce this issue on my side and passed this ticket to our developers for further research. We will update this thread once we have any news.
Hello John,
Any update for the issue.?
Aslam Ansari
Hi Aslam,
As an immediate solution, it is possible to customize the Crosshair Panel content using the client-side CustomDrawCrosshair event. This should make it possible to apply a custom numeric format using JavaScript. We will continue working on this issue and will keep you informed of our progress.