We have customers with different MS-WORD documents, which we convert in our application to PDF files.
We use the RichEditControl to do so.
But the converted PDF file doesen't have the backcolor for texts, as those texts have it in the original MS-WORD document.
In the attached sample project you can see the difference.
Maybe it helps out to know, that I have changed the backcolor for the first textblock in the original file and that one is shown and convertet correctly.
I have used MS-WORD 2013.
We need to know where the difference comes from, to avoid it in the future.
kind regards
Bjoern Baumann
We have successfully reproduced the behavior you described and passed this ticket to our developers for further research.
Please bear with us. We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.
We've researched the provided formatted Doc document and found that for the problematic bottom cells the Patterns properties group is used. Please note that our RichEditControl doesn't support the Pattern properties group, and this is why the problematic bottom cells were exported to the PDF format incorrectly. As for the problematic top cell, I confirm that this is incorrect behavior and we will fix it.
Please bear with us. You will be automatically notified when we have any news about the issue.
Is there anything planed for the RichEditControl to support the Patterns properties group in the future?
Or is there a workaround you could point me to?
Because for the problematic bottom cells in my example, our costumers would have to change a lot's of documents.
We have no immediate plans to support " Patterns properties group" in the RichEdit control. This feature is still on our radar, and perhaps we will implement it in the future.
Please stay tuned to our What's New announcements of future major releases to be notified when this feature is implemented.
As a workaround, don't use patterns in documents.