Bug Report T271614
Visible to All Users

Report Wizard layout is broken and almost useless when DPI screen settings are set to 200

created 10 years ago
Comments (2)

    Any news on when this might be resolved?

    DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago


      Our developers are looking for a solution.  I assure you that they will do their best to resolve the problem as soon as they can.  However, we cannot give you any time frame at present, because our estimations may be misleading.  Once the report's state has been changed, you'll receive an email notification from the Support Center.  You're welcome to request a fix then.

      Thanks for your patience.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 9 years ago

      We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

      Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

      Additional information:

      We would like to inform you that the issue researched in context of this thread has been fixed. In the context of the bug fix, the WizardViewBase class has been changed, so that class descendants may become uncompilable after the update. To overcome this issue, comment out or remove the lines of code that are related to emptySpaceItemBase and layoutItemSeparatorBottom components from the InitializeComponent method (the *.Designer.cs file).

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