I'm trying to change a dashboard title after the end user changes some dashboard parameters, but it doesn't seem to work with version 2015.1.3
C#private void dashboardViewer_CustomParameters(object sender, DevExpress.DashboardCommon.CustomParametersEventArgs e)
DevExpress.DashboardWin.DashboardViewer viewer = (DevExpress.DashboardWin.DashboardViewer)sender;
string titolo = String.Empty;
if (e.Parameters[0].Value != null && e.Parameters[0].Value != DBNull.Value)
titolo = String.Concat(titolo, String.Format("DAL {0:d}", e.Parameters[0].Value));
if (e.Parameters[1].Value != null && e.Parameters[1].Value != DBNull.Value)
titolo = String.Concat(titolo, String.Format("{0}AL {1:d}", String.IsNullOrEmpty(titolo) ? "" : " ", e.Parameters[1].Value));
viewer.Dashboard.Title.Text = titolo;
If I debug, dashboard title seems to be changed after the last line of code, but the viewer always shows the original parameters values.
Am I missing something?
Hi Andrea,
Based on your description, I have created a sample project to reproduce the issue, but it looks fine on my side. See the video file in the attachment. So, I guess that there is some specific in your project. Would you please modify the project from the attachment or create your own sample to illustrate the issue?
We are looking forward to your feedback.
I noticed the first time dashboardViewer_CustomParameters is raised, the Text changes correctly, but after that, if you change dashboard parameters value via the dashboard parameter button in the upper-right corner, it doesn't change the dashboard title text; debugging step by step viewer.Dashboard.Title.Text = titolo seems to work fine but the viewer doesn't refresh its title. Instead, data shown are correctly changed
Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that we need a bit more time to finish working on our answer to your inquiry. Thanks so much for your patience.
Hi Andrea,
I've reproduced this behavior and passed this ticket to our developers. We will update the thread once we have any results.