When I copy and paste layout items inside the same form it is also duplicating bindingsource and datasets in the form.
Let's say I have dataset1 and bindingSource1 and textEdit1. textEdit1 is bound to some field of bindingSource1.
When I copy and paste textEdit1, it generates textEdit2, but also dataset2 and bindingSource2.
Why is duplicating the datasource? This is very annoying, I have to manually change the databind of textEdit2 and set it again to bindingSource1 and delete bindingSource2 and dataset2.
Could this behaviour be improved? I think that when creating textEdit2 it should first check if datasource exists in the destination form and If it does don't create new datasources, and bind the new control to the same datasource as the copied control.
I have discussed this behavior with our developers. Now, all the control dependencies are copied. That is, if you have data bindings for your control, we copy a binding source, too, since it is referenced by this control. Our developers will research if it is possible to improve the current behavior. Thank you for drawing our attention to this.
We will update this ticket once we have any results.
Hello, any news about this?
The copy & paste layout items feature is not so useful if we end with tons of duplicate datasets and binding sources.
We did not change the current behavior. Our developers are investigating a way to find an optimal solution that will cover most of the scenarios without introducing any side effects. We will update this thread once we have results to share with you.
Ok thank you.
Maybe when pasting controls with databinding it could ask for options:
Just and idea.