In our app we have a docked LayoutPanel that is initially closed.
The floatinformations of this panel are not restored in case this panel was closed before saving the layout.
Steps to reproduce:
- Start the attached project
- Make "HiddenDockedPanel " visible
- Make it float, move to somewhere and resize it
- Toggle Opend/Closed to verify that the panel always opens as FloatPanel
- Close the panel
- Close the app (layout is saved to ".\Layout.xml"
- Start the app (layout is loaded from ".\layout.xml"
- Make "HiddenDockedPanel" visible
Expected: The panel should open as FloatPanel with correct bounds
Actual: The panel opens as Docked panel. If you make it float again it has default bounds.
Note: If you do this with the other panel (change step 3 according) everything wokrs fine.
Note: Same behaviour in v15.1.3
Hi Roman,
Thank you for informing us about this issue. I have discussed it with our developers, and it seems to be incorrect at first glance. Our developers will research it, and we will let you know once they find any solution.
Please bear with us.