DevExpress Mobile UI allows you to use a .NET cross-platform UI toolkit and C# to build native apps for iOS and Android.
You need a DevExpress .NET MAUI Subscription to run the example. To evaluate our controls, you can start a free 30-day trial through the DevExpress NuGet feed.
Please register the DevExpress NuGet Gallery in Visual Studio to restore the NuGet packages used in this solution. See the following topic for more information: Get Started with DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI.
You can also refer to the following YouTube video for more information on how to get started with the DevExpress .NET MAUI Controls: Setting up a .NET MAUI Project.
What's in This Repository
The DevExpress Data Grid for .NET MAUI is a data-aware control designed to present and manage data in a tabular format.
The Get Started with the DevExpress Data Grid for .NET MAUI example allows you to get started with the DataGridView component - bind it to a data source and configure its columns.
Refer to the following YouTube video for instructions on how to get started with the DevExpress Data Grid for .NET MAUI: Adding Data Grid to your .NET MAUI application.
Task-Based Examples
This repository contains projects that allow you to achieve the following tasks:
Binding to Data
- Get Started with the DevExpress Data Grid for .NET MAUI
- Create Columns for Different Data Types
- Bind to a Local Database (SQLite)
- Bind to a Custom WebAPI Server (ASP.NET Core)
- Bind to a Serverless DB (Firebase)
Edit and Validate Data
- Display the Edit Form and Validate Input Values
- Define the In-Place Editor's Template
- Validate Values on Edit Form Closing
- Validate New Values in In-Place Cell Editors
Customize Appearance
- Customize a Data Grid Appearance
- Display the Multi-Row Column Layout
- Define a Column Header Template
- Customize the Edit Form Template
End-User Interaction
- Implement Load-More Functionality
- Implement Pull-to-Refresh
- Define Swipe Actions for Data Rows
- Implement a Column Chooser
- Drag and Drop - Replicate a Single-Column Kanban View
- Implement Search Bar
- Export DataGrid Data
- Import Excel Data
More Examples
- Stocks App
- Data Form
- Data Editors
- Charts
- Scheduler
- Tab Page
- Tab View
- Drawer Page
- Drawer View
- Collection View
- Popup
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