Example E1744
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How to search for XAF objects using a complex criterion

This example creates a pop-up window that allows users to perform a custom object search.

MySearchClass window

Implementation Details

  1. Create a non-persistent class with properties used to search persistent objects.
    File to review: MySearchClass.cs
    [DomainComponent] public class MySearchClass : NonPersistentBaseObject { [XafDisplayName("FirstName contains:")] public string FirstName { get; set; } [XafDisplayName("Age is equal to:")] public int Age { get; set; } // ... }
  2. Add a collection of persistent objects that contains the search results.
    File to review: MySearchClass.cs
    [DomainComponent] public class MySearchClass : NonPersistentBaseObject { // ... private IList<Contact> _contacts = new List<Contact>(); [XafDisplayName("Results:")] public IList<Contact> Contacts { get { return _contacts; } } }
  3. Add the MySearch action that populates the collection.
    File to review: MySearchController.cs
    public class MySearchController : ObjectViewController<DetailView, MySearchClass> { public MySearchController() { var myAction1 = new SimpleAction(this, "MySearch", "MySearchCategory"); myAction1.Execute += MyAction1_Execute; } // ... }
  4. When a user clicks the MySearch action, create a criterion based on the properties described in the first step and get persistent objects that fit this criterion.
    File to review: MySearchController.cs
    public class MySearchController : ObjectViewController<DetailView, MySearchClass> { // ... private void MyAction1_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) { var mySearchObject = (MySearchClass)View.CurrentObject; var persistentOS = Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(Contact)); var criterion = CriteriaOperator.FromLambda<Contact>(x => x.FirstName.Contains(mySearchObject.FirstName) || x.Age == mySearchObject.Age); var results = persistentOS.GetObjects<Contact>(criterion); mySearchObject.SetContacts(results); } }
  5. Create the MyShowSearchAction to display the MySearchClass detail view from the Contact list view in a pop-up window.
    File to review: MyShowSearchController.cs
    public class MyShowSearchController : ObjectViewController<ListView, Contact> { public MyShowSearchController() { var mypopAction1 = new PopupWindowShowAction(this, "MyShowSearchAction", PredefinedCategory.Edit); mypopAction1.TargetViewNesting = Nesting.Root; mypopAction1.CustomizePopupWindowParams += MyAction1_CustomizePopupWindowParams; } private void MyAction1_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e) { var nonPersistentOS = (NonPersistentObjectSpace)Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(MySearchClass)); var persistentOS = Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(Contact)); nonPersistentOS.AdditionalObjectSpaces.Add(persistentOS); var obj = nonPersistentOS.CreateObject<MySearchClass>(); nonPersistentOS.CommitChanges(); var view = Application.CreateDetailView(nonPersistentOS, obj); e.View = view; } }

Files to Review


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Example Code

using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.DC; using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl; using MySolution.Module.BusinessObjects; namespace dxTestSolution.Module.BusinessObjects { [DomainComponent] public class MySearchClass : NonPersistentBaseObject { [XafDisplayName("FirstName contains:")] public string FirstName { get; set; } [XafDisplayName("Age is equal to:")] public int Age { get; set; } public void SetContacts(IList<Contact> res) { _contacts = res; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Contacts)); } private IList<Contact> _contacts = new List<Contact>(); [XafDisplayName("Results:")] public IList<Contact> Contacts { get { return _contacts; } } } }
using DevExpress.Data.Filtering; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions; using dxTestSolution.Module.BusinessObjects; using MySolution.Module.BusinessObjects; namespace dxTestSolution.Module.Controllers { public class MySearchController : ObjectViewController<DetailView, MySearchClass> { public MySearchController() { var myAction1 = new SimpleAction(this, "MySearch", "MySearchCategory"); myAction1.Execute += MyAction1_Execute; } private void MyAction1_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) { var mySearchObject = (MySearchClass)View.CurrentObject; var persistentOS = Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(Contact)); var criterion = CriteriaOperator.FromLambda<Contact>(x => x.FirstName.Contains(mySearchObject.FirstName) || x.Age == mySearchObject.Age); var results = persistentOS.GetObjects<Contact>(criterion); mySearchObject.SetContacts(results); } } }
using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions; using DevExpress.Persistent.Base; using dxTestSolution.Module.BusinessObjects; using MySolution.Module.BusinessObjects; namespace dxTestSolution.Module.Controllers { public class MyShowSearchController : ObjectViewController<ListView, Contact> { public MyShowSearchController() { var mypopAction1 = new PopupWindowShowAction(this, "MyShowSearchAction", PredefinedCategory.Edit); mypopAction1.TargetViewNesting = Nesting.Root; mypopAction1.CustomizePopupWindowParams += MyAction1_CustomizePopupWindowParams; } private void MyAction1_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e) { var nonPersistentOS = (NonPersistentObjectSpace)Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(MySearchClass)); var persistentOS = Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(Contact)); nonPersistentOS.AdditionalObjectSpaces.Add(persistentOS); var obj = nonPersistentOS.CreateObject<MySearchClass>(); nonPersistentOS.CommitChanges(); var view = Application.CreateDetailView(nonPersistentOS, obj); e.View = view; } } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Application Title="ComplexSearchEF"> <SchemaModules> <SchemaModule Name="SystemModule" Version="" IsNewNode="True" /> </SchemaModules> <Views> <DetailView Id="MySearchClass_DetailView"> <Items> <PropertyEditor Id="Age" Caption="Age is equal to" /> <PropertyEditor Id="Contacts" Caption="Results" /> <PropertyEditor Id="FirstName" Caption="FirstName contains" /> <ActionContainerViewItem Id="MySearchCategory" ActionContainer="MySearchCategory" Caption="MySearchCategory(8)" IsNewNode="True" /> <StaticText Id="ORItem" Text="OR" Caption="ORItem(10)" IsNewNode="True" /> </Items> <Layout> <LayoutGroup Id="Main" RelativeSize="100"> <LayoutGroup Id="SimpleEditors" RelativeSize="10.725806451612904"> <LayoutGroup Id="MySearchClass" RelativeSize="100"> <LayoutItem Id="FirstName" RelativeSize="28.571428571428573" /> <LayoutItem Id="ORItem" ViewItem="ORItem" Index="1" RelativeSize="17.293233082706767" IsNewNode="True" /> <LayoutItem Id="Age" Index="2" RelativeSize="22.55639097744361" /> <LayoutItem Id="MySearchCategory" ViewItem="MySearchCategory" Index="3" RelativeSize="31.57894736842105" IsNewNode="True" /> </LayoutGroup> </LayoutGroup> <LayoutGroup Id="Contacts_Group" Direction="Vertical" RelativeSize="89.2741935483871" Caption="Results:"> <LayoutItem Id="Contacts" RelativeSize="100" /> </LayoutGroup> </LayoutGroup> </Layout> </DetailView> </Views> </Application>

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