Bug Report T747868
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ASPxTextBox - The client-side GetText method returns an empty value if a text decoration (for example, a null text) is applied to editor

created 6 years ago

CLONED FROM ASPxTextBox - Value is always null when text is pasted into the editor
To reproduce the issue do the following:

  1. Specify a null text for the ASPxTextBox editor using the NullText property value.
  2. Invoke the GetText method, for example, in the client-side UserInput event handler:
function OnUserInput(s, e) { alert(s.GetText()); }

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 6 years ago

The main specificity of the GetText method is that this method returns a string calculated based on a current editor's value and the editor's formatting settings (mask settings, the DisplayFormatString and EditFormatString properties, etc.).
For example, if an end-user types "1111111111" in the ASPxTextBox editor with the following settings:

<dx:ASPxTextBox ID="ASPxTextBox1" runat="server" Width="170px"> <MaskSettings Mask="+1 (999) 000-0000" IncludeLiterals="None" /> </dx:ASPxTextBox>

the GetText method will return "+1 (111) 111-1111"
the GetValue method will return "1111111111"
If an end-user types "5" in the ASPxSpinEdit editor with the following settings:

<dx:ASPxSpinEdit ID="ASPxSpinEdit1" runat="server" Number="0" DisplayFormatString="C2" />

the GetText method will return "$5.00"
the GetValue  method will return 5
If an end-user types "2019-7-17" in the ASPxDateEdit editor with the following settings:

<dx:ASPxDateEdit ID="ASPxDateEdit1" runat="server" EditFormatString="yyyy - MM - dd"></dx:ASPxDateEdit>

the GetText method will return "2019 - 07 - 17"
the GetValue  method will return a date time value in a local time zone (for ex., Wed Jul 17 2019 10:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))

If an end-user types "2" in the ASPxCombobox editor with the following settings:

<dx:ASPxComboBox ID="ASPxComboBox1" runat="server"> <Items> <dx:ListEditItem Text="Value 1" Value="1" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="Value 2" Value="2" /> </Items> </dx:ASPxComboBox>

the GetText method will return "Value 2"
the GetValue  method will return 2

Based on the mentioned specifics, it is required to synchronize a text entered by an end-user with an editor's value before using the GetText method.
For example, if an editor loses focus, its value is automatically calculated (synchronized) based on the entered text.

If you invoke the GetText method before a new editor's value is calculated (i.e. synchronized with the editor's display text), for example, in the client-side UserInput, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp event handlers, this method will return an empty value or a previous editor's text.

In such scenarios, we recommend obtaining an editor's text directly from the editor's input element:

function OnUserInput(s, e) { var currentText = s.GetInputElement().value; }

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